

Rossland Chosen for SOWK Green Party AGM

The day after “Rekindle the Spirit of Christmas” in Rossland, the South Okanagan-West Kootenay riding association of the Green Party of Canada will hold its AGM at the Old Firehall in Rossland, at the corner of Queen Street and First Avenue.  On December 6, at 1:00 pm, the meeting will open to Green Party of […]

Report From the Hill (Parliament Hill, that is ... not the ski hill!)

By Richard Cannings, Member of Parliament  for South Okanagan-West Kootenay: News from Parliament Hill has been overshadowed in the past two weeks by news of tragic events in Beirut, Paris and Mali.  The terrorists that carried out these attacks may have had different local political goals, but they had one overarching aim in mind—to sow […]

RANT: From coffee cups to remembrance to refugees - we are getting it ALL wrong

There’s an insidious either/or mentality invading our political lexicon that I think is actually becoming an outstandingly effective camouflage for genuine evil, and it’s making me crazy to see how few people seem to realize how totally they are being manipulated by it. It starts off benign enough – in fact, in such a stupid...

Solar garden grows into seedling as pre-sales begin to move ahead

The city’s solar garden project is over half way to realization after the launch of pre sales last week and city council’s final stamp of approval. City council gave its blessing to the program last week by bestowing the authority to Nelson Hydro to begin pre-selling panels, as well as selecting the city’s Bonnington Generating […]

Castlegar to host climate change rally

Castlegar citizens will come together to demand climate justice from our leaders on the eve of the Paris UN climate summit. The rally will be at the Celgar Pavilion in Millennium Park on Sunday, November 29 at 2pm. There is also a march starting at City Hall leaving precisely at 1:30pm to arrive at the Pavilion for the rally’s...

Head of Food Bank says local working families going hungry, homeless

Dear Premier Clarke, Katrine Conroy MLA, Richard Cannings MP, Prime Minister Trudeau, Castlegar Community Harvest Food Bank can no longer meet the needs of the working poor. We can not continue to rob Peter to pay Paul. We do not have the capacity to raise any more funds than we already do. We operate 100-per-cent on volunteers...

Time out needed for bullies at city halls

There's something about local government that brings out the worst in some people. Staff get spat on. Mayors and councillors are often the victims of what can only be described as cyberbullying. In some towns, process servers would be well-advised to offer volume discounts to local governments. It takes place every which way...

City to purchase AEDs for City Hall and Civic Works Department

Castlegar city council, at its regular meeting Monday evening (Nov. 16), unanimously approved the purchase of two AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) for roughly $5,500. City utilities manager Jesse Reel, in his report to council, recommended the move, as well as changes to training and Occupation Health and Safety...

City council says no to free Wi-Fi coverage in public places

The City of Nelson may have designated itself as a “smart” community, but only in certain acceptable areas of the city after council turned down the offer of free public Wi-Fi coverage in high traffic city areas like parks. City council voted during the last meeting against accepting Shaw’s GoWi-Fi program to provide free...

First Report from our new Member of Parliament

From the Hill: My first week in Ottawa was unseasonably warm; we could walk in light sweaters along the Rideau Canal, the last autumn leaves drifting down to the path.  It was humbling to walk the halls of the parliament buildings, knowing this was to be my work place for the next four years.  It was largely an orientation ...

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