LETTER: Kootenay teachers want a deal, not a fight
Teachers have been forced into job action by this government for the reasons delineated in our, “Why Teachers May Be Forced Into Job Action”, Letter to the Editor that was published in the Rossland Telegraph, Castlegar News and Trail Times and circulated to all media outlets, DPAC, our School Board and CUPE:...
Unicycle rolls through the Boundary on the way to Ottawa
Joseph Boutilier rolled into Grand Forks this week, not in a car, truck or bus, nor a bicycle, motorcycle or scooter. His mode of transportation is a unicycle and he is taking that unicycle straight to Ottawa to raise awareness on global climate issues. “Basically, I’m going to raise a big stink. That’s the long and short of...
Second round voting would help achieve fair representation
The Canada Elections Act needs amending. It encourages and rewards abuse. However, I disagree with the amendments pursued by the federal government. Bill C-23 ignores the principle of equality of representation which is the problem at the root of the Canada Elections Act. In a multi-party society the first-past-the-post voting...
Putin, Petrorubles and Our PM’s Bad Posture
Stephen Harper’s embarrassing behaviour regarding the crisis in Ukraine — demonizing Vladimir Putin and upping the rhetoric — must be welcomed in the U.S. which created the crisis in the first place and apparently believes it still has something to gain by isolating Russia. But it is not clear that Harper even realizes — or...
COMMENT: An effective trade policy
It is interesting that any time trade is debated in the House of Commons New Democrats are always accused by the Conservatives of being “anti-trade”. However, as our Trade critic, Don Davies stated in the Jan. 29th debate on the proposed Canada-Honduras Free Trade Agreement, we believe thatCanadians recognize the importance...
SD 20 Superintendent open letter to parents regarding strike action
Dear Parents, guardians and students: Late on Thursday, April 17, 2014 the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) gave formal strike notice to school districts across the province of BC. Starting on Wednesday, April 23rd, teachers will not be performing some of their regular duties. The purpose of this letter is to give...
UPDATED: BC Gov backtracks on environmental assessment exemption decision
The on-again announcement regarding the environmental assessment exemption for prospective sweet natural gas processing plants and all-season ski resorts, is, off again. Environment Minister Mary Polak has rescinded the environmental assessment exemption Wednesday, one day after it was announced. In a written statement, Polak said the government did not consult with First Nations about the proposed […]
RDCK Chair John Kettle answers concerns of Area F taxpayer
In a recent letter to the editor, Area F taxpayer Kevin LePape expressed concerns about comments made by RDCK Chair, John Kettle in a press release (link to doc) and article in The Nelson Daily announcing taxpayer savings in the recent budget. LePape argues that the $1.5 million in savings in the general and rural […]
COMMENT: Who's afraid of a little debate?
“Today's BC Liberals” may have taken a little inspiration during last year's election campaign from former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell when she bluntly stated in 1993 that "an election is no time to discuss serious issues." It's why British Columbians could be forgiven for thinking that they missed something during...
Taylor says humane society is needed in GF
Mayor Brian Taylor is hoping someone in the community will come forward and help set up a humane society in Grand Forks. He brought the issue up at the City’s regular council meeting, Monday during his mayor’s report. “Are we so inhumane that we can’t get someone to come forward to take a leadership role in dealing with the...