

Canuck youth ejected from COP17

Members of the Canadian Youth Delegation were ejected from COP17 today as Canada’s Environment Minister Peter Kent delivered his opening address at the United Nations climate negotiations in Durban, South Africa. Just as Kent began his speech, six youth stood and turned away from the minister revealing the message “Turn your back on Canada” prominently […]

Turn it up!

For Syrians it’s an exhilarating experience simply to express honest political opinions out loud in a public place. For decades anti-regime gripes have been expressed in private, in whispers. Many were frightened to speak even in the home, lest the children repeat what they’d heard at school.But now people are screaming and...

Canadian youth delegates crash global polluters conference at COP17

On the day that Canada’s Environment Minister arrives in Durban, members of the Canadian Youth Delegation dressed in their BituMensWear “negotiator uniforms” and joined with organizers from around the globe at a protest at World Business Day during COP17 in Durban. Organized by the World Business Council for Sustainable...

US study examines suicide trends in depressed youth

A study by the University of Washington that looked at people in their late teens in the Pacific Northwest has reached two conclusions: that teenagers may be able to reliably recall the time of their first suicide attempts, and that depressed youth tend to try to kill themselves at a much earlier age than previously […]

Egypt votes

This post is part of our special coverage of Egypt Elections 2011.   Egyptians are voting in parliamentary elections on November 28 and 29, 2011, and despite calls for a boycott, it seems that most people have chosen to participate. Not all of Egypt votes on these dates; the elections are staggered across three stages, […]

KENYA: Food security concern as farmers change crops to coffee production

ELDORET, 23 November 2011 (IRIN) - The switch by many farmers in Kenya's Rift Valley province from staple cereals to more profitable coffee is likely to increase the country's dependence on grain imports and possibly affect food security, agricultural experts have warned."It is unsafe to use our land for crops with the hopes...

Population control: getting a grip on the growing concern

In this day and age most societies worry about too large a population increase. However, there is always another point of view. Worried about its dwindling numbers, the Roman Catholic church in southern India is exhorting its flock to have more children, with some parishes offering free schooling, medical care and even cash bonuses for […]

Study: Today's teenagers may be most out-of-shape in history

A report from Northwestern University in Chicago looks at the status of the cardiovascular health of current adolescents in the United States, and its findings were not encouraging. It says that teens today have a higher likelihood of dying at a younger age than today’s adults. The causes listed include high blood sugar, obesity, poor […]

School pizza is a vegetable? U.S. Congress thinks so

By Jonathan Mariano, Triple Pundit Last week, U.S. Congress passed a bill that allegedly labels pizza as a vegetable in school lunches. How did pizza spontaneously become a vegetable? Has it always been considered a vegetable? Was it Congress? Was it the USDA? Some report it is because of lobbyists. Although lobbyists do play an […]

Canadian youth delegation releases policy requests delivered to Canadian government

As youth from across Canada prepare to depart for Durban, South Africa to participate in the next round of United Nations Climate Negotiations they have released a list of five policy changes submitted to the Canadian Delegation.  "These requests represent five things that Canada could do immediately to stop being part of the...