

Experts puzzled by big decline in honeybees over winter

By Alison Benjamin, guardian.co.uk Honeybee populations declined by 13.6 per cent over the winter, according to a survey of beekeepers across England. Losses were most severe in the northeast, where the survey recorded a loss rate of 17.1 per cent. Experts worry that the declines will affect plant productivity. There are also concerns that the […]

US Food and Drug Administration proposes new regulations on sunscreen labeling

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed new regulations, set to come into effect next year, to clarify sunscreen labels regarding the product’s effectiveness against ultraviolet (UV) rays. The regulations, which the FDA has been considering since 1978, would prohibit claims that a sunscreen is “waterproof” or “sweatproof”, since the FDA believes these […]

Solstice heats up the day with a maximum blast of daylight — and bonfires

Get your game face on, it’s the summer solstice, officially the first day of summer. And judging by the attempts of the sun to break through the cloud and gloom in most parts of the West Kootenay, the powers that be are aware of the significance of the day as well. Summer solstice occurs exactly […]

Sega says 1.3 million users affected by cyber attack

By Yoko Kubota, Reuters Japanese video game developer Sega Corp said on Sunday that information belonging to 1.3 million customers has been stolen from its database, the latest in a rash of global cyber attacks against video game companies. Names, birth dates, e-mail addresses and encrypted passwords of users of Sega Pass online network members […]

Clarence Clemons, Springsteen’s E Street Band sax player, dies at 69

Clarence Clemons, soulful saxophonist most famed for his forty years as a sideman in Bruce Springteen’s E Street Band, died Saturday at a Palm Beach, Florida hospital. The cause of death was complications from a stroke he had suffered a week ago at his Singer Island home. He was 69.   Called the “Big Man” […]

Returning to the caveman diet

By David A Gabel, ENN In today’s age of highly processed food, packaged and shaped to look like animals, filled with ingredients we have never heard of, it is tempting to return to a diet from a much simpler time. A new fad that is catching on, known as the Paleolithic or “paleo” diet, aims […]

Confronting aging — inside and out

As the baby boomer generation continues to increase in age, so does its passion to remain youthful, both inside and out. Beating the clock is now a multi-faceted, science-driven industry. From its age-old quests to find the elixir of life, to modern exploration of how microcellular activity contributes to metabolic breakdown, scientific research continues to […]

Which way will Barack Obama turn on solar power?

By Suzanne Goldenberg, guardian.co.uk It looks like Barack Obama may be reneging on his promise to put solar panels on the roof of the White House by the end of this spring. On the other hand, the administration is pushing ahead with its plan to expand the deployment of large-scale solar power plants. The interior […]

Nearly two billion people worldwide now overweight

By Editor, Worldwatch Institute More than 1.9 billion people worldwide were overweight in 2010, a 25 per cent increase since 2002, a new Worldwatch analysis shows. A survey of statistics in 177 countries shows 38 percent of adults — those 15 years or older — are now overweight. The trend is strongly correlated to rising […]

Leaked documents ahead of key Lima meeting suggest UN body looking to slow emissions with technological fixes rather than talks

By John Vidal, guardian.co.uk Read the documents here Lighter-coloured crops, aerosols in the stratosphere and iron filings in the ocean are among the measures being considered by leading scientists for “geo-engineering” the Earth’s climate, leaked documents from the UN climate science body show. In a move that suggests the UN and rich countries are despairing […]

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