

QUNFUZ: How many martyrs?

Our thoughts and prayers are with the heroes and heroines and martyrs of Libya, and with our brave correspondent in Tripoli, now under fire. Communication is on and off, mainly off. Here is her most recent report. Since she sent it the phone lines have been cut entirely and the city’s electricity is also disconnected. […]

Former Egyptian president Mubarak reportedly ill, may be in coma

 Al Arabiya is reporting that former president of Egypt Hosni Mubarak, 82, has fallen into a coma. According to the network, Mubarak went into a coma on Saturday night after falling ill. Sameh Shoukry, the Egyptian ambassador to the United States said on theToday Show on NBC, that Mubarak is “possibly in bad health.” He is currently being treated at his home […]

Pakistani court seeks Musharraf's arrest over Bhutto murder

A court in Pakistan has issued an arrest warrant for exiled former President Pervez Musharraf. He is accused of involvement in the 2007 assassination of rival and ex-Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto while in power.   Currently in Dubai and residing in London, UK, Musharraf has been given until February 19 to appear before Rawalpindi’s anti-terror court. If he does not, the court says […]

QUNFUZ: The Imitator

 picture by Ali Farzat He copies phrases from foreign newspapers into a notebook. Then he copies his notes into a larger notebook with a flag and a band of gold on the front. His mouth imitates the words of the state TV channel, and the words of undead clerics, and the words of puff-eyed men […]

UKRAINE: Youtube helps discipline traffic police

On Jan. 22, a Ukrainian police officer was filmed [ENG] speaking insolently to a driver he had stopped in the city of Odesa in southern Ukraine, and making offensive comments about the state language. In particular, the video shows the driver addressing the officer in Ukrainian and the policeman replying in Russian that he “does […]

US State Department approved export of U.S.-Made tear gas to Egyptian goverment

By Marian Wang in ProPublica. The tear gas canisters used by Egyptian police against the protesters bore the label “Made in U.S.A. [1],” stirring controversy and bolstering the impression among Egyptians that the United States has propped up a dictatorship [1] at the expense of its citizens. Two government agencies, the Department of State and […]

QUNFUZ: Zionism's fear of Arab movements

Tony Blair, with the blood of Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine dripping from his fingers, says Egyptian dictator Husni Mubarak is “immensely courageous and a force for good.” The opinion is based on working “with him on the Middle East peace process.” Mubarak’s record on the pacification process involves helping the Palestinian Authority transform itself into a […]

Ipswich, England serial murders to be adapted into 'musical'

 The Ipswich serial murders, in which five female prostitutes were killed in Ipswich, Suffolk, England, are to be turned into a show entitled London Road. The “documentary musical” is expected to debut in the Royal National Theatre in London this April. The concept has been criticised. When ITN conducted some vox populi interviews, members of the public reacted negatively: “[A]lmost makes it seem a bit light-hearted, doesn’t it? […]

Egypt protests: Army say they will not use force on demonstrators as Mubarak announces cabinet

The president of Egypt has suffered a “devastating blow” after the country’s army announced they would not use force against their own people, who continue to protest against the government tonight. The news came hours after six journalists who reported on the protests were released from custody. Hosni Mubarak yesterday announced a new cabinet, which […]

QUNFUZ: January 25

The day the revolution started. In this second film Waseem Wagdi, an Egyptian protesting outside the embassy in London, says it all, beautifully. Robin Yassin-Kassab is a UK-based writer and journalist. This piece originally appeared in his blog, Qunfuz. Reprinted with the author’s kind permission.