

Bears? An electrifying solution

It is beginning to feel like fall and plums, apples, pears and other fruit are the bounty of the season.  But fall is also the season when we often see bears in town taking advantage of all the fruit that we make available.  One solution is electric fencing. Bear Aware will be hosting a free […]

Arts and heritage organizations get assistance for professional development

Arts and heritage organizations are facing many challenges. Meet those challenges head-on with this upcoming professional development workshop in Nelson, Sept 24 and 25. Presented by Leslie Thompson, this workshop will cover effective board management, volunteer recruitment and management, marketing and fundraising fundamentals for arts and heritage organizations – key elements for sustainability. Travel subsidies […]

Letter: We should see less weather extremes, not more

Re: Hurricane Irene and the staggering costs of climate change To the editor: It is unlikely that global warming will cause increased extreme weather. If the world warms due to increasing greenhouse gas emissions, temperatures at high latitudes are forecast to rise most, reducing the difference between arctic and tropical temperatures. Since this differential drives […]

Selkirk receives one-time boost as more student spaces open in health-care programs

Selkirk College will see 38 new spaces created for those looking to enroll in the health care field this year. An additional 18 health-care assistant spaces — in partnership with College of the Rockies in Grand Forks and Trail — will be created this year, as well as 20 online pharmacy technician bridging program spaces. […]

The weekend heats up in some areas of the West Kootenay as human-caused fires still a concern

If you are headed west to the Boundary country or north to the Arrow Lakes region this long weekend don’t take your matches or lighter with you. The tinder dry aspects of those regions — and not much in the way of moisture coming in the next while — means the fire danger in those […]

Parking rage over bylaw lands man in jail: graffiti-ist loses his muse

A dressing down of a City bylaw officer landed a man in jail Thursday afternoon. The 31-year-old Nelson man took umbrage around 4 p.m. with a bylaw officer who had approached him about a parking infraction. The male began to verbally abuse the female officer using offensive, degrading and profane language.  He then threatened violence […]

Canada's municipal leaders meet in Nelson to discuss federal municipal priorities ahead of parliament's return

Some of the nation’s top municipal leaders will descend on Nelson next week as the Heritage city plays host to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ (FCM) national board of directors meeting. With parliament set to return, the 75-member board  — which includes Nelson Mayor John Dooley — will discuss municipal priorities from Sept. 7-10, including […]

Trail police field the weird and wacky this morning

This morning was a weird one for Trail RCMP, involving sunburns, violence and full-frontal nudity, all in the space of about two hours. Trail RCMP Cpl. Mike Wilson said EMS (ambulance services) got a call at roughly 1:20 a.m., from a man who was in pain from sunburn. Apparently, the man warned dispatchers that the […]

Castlegar man facing sexual assault charges after incident Friday

A Castlegar man in his 60s is facing sexual assault charges after a bizarre incident on Columbia Avenue Friday. According to RCMP Cpl. Deb Postnikoff, a 24-year-old woman attended the Castlegar police station Friday at about 5 p.m., reporting that a man she didn’t know had approached and accosted her. “Apparently he invited her to […]

Hunt bound for another Saskatchewan winter, earns spot with Pats

It appears Nelson’s Dryden Hunt is going to spend another winter in Saskatchewan.The soon-to-be 16-year-old earned a roster spot with the Regina Pats of the Western Hockey League.Hunt, the son of Karla and Jeff Hunt Nelson, had expected to attend the weekend session before whisking his way back to B.C. in time to attend...

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