

B.C. Teachers issue 72-hour strike notice in effort to speed up bargaining with Liberal government

It’s back to school Tuesday for students across the province. But the school term may be a lot shorter than the normal 10 months if B.C. teachers stand firm on job action after the provincial body served 72-hour strike notice for Sept. 6. The B.C. Teachers Federation said Wednesday during a press conference it would […]

Abandoned campfires and elevated fire risk have Kootenay-Boundary officials all fired up

Thirty six campfires were left unattended or abandoned by careless campers on the weekend, Southeast Fire Centre officials found. A total of 245 campfire incidents have been reported in the Southeast Centre area, above the five-year average for this time of year at 171. Considering the tinder dry conditions prevailing in the West Kootenay-Boundary region […]

Everything you need to know about the TV transition and were afraid to ask

With a large percentage of West Kootenay-Boundary people still plugged into free television, an important deadline is looming. The transition to digital TV is coming this September. Over-the-air TV signals switch to digital from analog transmission as of Thursday morning in most major cities across Canada. The federal government and the CRTC mandated the change […]

Kienholz named as deceased in Nakusp plane crash

Nelson’s James Forrest Kienholz has been identified as the man killed in the small float plane crash near Nakusp last Wednesday. Kienholz, 64, was longtime Leafs scorekeeper and an avid outdoorsman who enjoyed fishing and snowshoeing in the winter. From the 1970s to 1990s Kienholz played goal and defence in the Western International and Kootenay […]

Midway mill secured with $1 million loan

Squeaking in under the deadline wire, Boundary Sawmills Inc. (BSI) secured a loan this week for $1 million to complete the Midway mill purchase.  Working with the Heritage Credit Union over the weekend, Doug McMynn, president of BSI, said they were able to not only cover their outstanding debt to Fox Lumber Sales Ltd., but […]

Balfour, Granite host tournament week

It’s tournament week at the Granite Pointe at Nelson and Balfour Golf Courses.Balfour tees off on the week by hosting the annual Senior Men’s Open Wednesday at the Les Furber designed course.The 18-hole tournament attracts players from throughout the Kootenays.The scene remains in Balfour for Ladies Open Thursday.Once again...

All Along the Pipeline

By Michael Jessen Written in 1967, Bob Dylan’s All Along the Watchtower simmers with images of an impending day of reckoning. A mysterious and understated poem of simple rhyming couplets, it is the ideal musical accompaniment to the reality of today’s war on oil from Alberta’s tar sands. The businessmen and plowmen of Dylan’s song […]

Man caught in waterfall near Macbeth Icefield saved by military search and rescue tream

A man who fell 12 metres down a waterfall near Macbeth Icefield Saturday night on the north end of Kootenay Lake was saved from near death when his leg became trapped between an outcropping of rocks, the Vancouver Province reported Sunday. Although the man’s leg catching on the rocks prevented him from falling further, it […]

Interest rates drop at banks supports housing markets

Despite some indications of lower sales prices in the Boundary, the housing market in B.C. and across Canada remains buoyant and mortgage trends show signs of encouraging further investments.   The Bank of Canada is ready to meet on Sept. 7 to set upcoming interest rates. Interest rates are a strong indicator for housing sales. […]

HST scrapped by 55 percent of voters

The Province of B.C. heard from 1.6 million voters that the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) must go. Nearly 55 percent chose to scrap the HST, and the provincial government is returning B.C. taxes to where they were one year ago.  Following the results announcement, released this morning from Elections B.C., Finance Minister Kevin Falcon said […]

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