

LETTER: Oberfeld way out of line, says local MP

Dear Editor, In reading the May 23 OPED “Pushing the West OUT of Canada” I was shocked at the hateful level of vitriol and misrepresentation being expressed by the author.  To suggest that NDP leader Tom Mulcair, or any other New Democrat MP would consider “screwing the West” to win seats in Eastern Canada is a slanderous...

LETTER: Got a fix that this province really needs? Try BC Ideas...

Do you have an idea or program that addresses the health, social or environmental challenges facing BC communities? Do you know someone who does? BC Ideas is an online competition that asks British Columbians to submit innovative ideas that address our province’s toughest social challenges. This collaborative competition is...

COMMENT: More than tuition at stake as Vancouver rallies in support of Quebec students

On a rainy Tuesday, Vancouverites rallied and marched in solidarity with the Quebec student movement.  Today’s demonstration took place exactly 100 days since the monumental student strike began.  Many speakers, including Margaret Orlowski, lucidly articulated how this movement out of Quebec is relevant across the whole...

The Hunger Games...and other dystopias

The Hunger Games have arrived, a storm of popularity that is selling millions of books and filling movie theatres. Suzanne Collins' dystopian story is about North America in ruin after an unspecified cataclysm leaves the rich in absolute power and the poor as their slaves. The story has a credibility because it extrapolates...

Watch out for the other cyclist as more riders venture out on highways and streets during Bike to Work Week

Every day more and more cyclists take to highways in B.C. as the weather become more desirable. Heading into Bike to Work Week, ICBC would like all drivers and cyclists to pay special attention to each other and share the road. On average, 140 cyclists are injured and two cyclists are killed in crashes on […]

OP/ED: Lillooet rapidly becoming basket case of municipal governance in B.C.

IntegrityBC is calling on the provincial government to appoint a conciliator to try and resolve the escalating disputes in the town of Lillooet over local governance and water management. IntegrityBC's call follows on the heels of the government rejecting the request of 336 residents for an inquiry into town affairs earlier...

Pushing the West OUT of Canada

Don’t think it couldn't happen!  People out here in the West may not yet be mad as hell, but we are confident enough in ourselves these days that we’re not going to take it anymore  if NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair  (and any other Central Canada political leaders) tie their pursuit of power to policies pumping up Eastern Canada...

Obscure US corporation may be behind BC Hydro's exaggerated power demand, ruinous IPP contracts

By Erik Anderson in The Common Sense Canadian. Why has BC Hydro gone so Big?   Over the past few years a number of us have puzzled over this question. The Crown Corporation, in most people’s minds, was given its natural monopoly status in the belief that the Board and Officers will prudently manage Hydro’s ...

NDP calls on province to fight GMO apples

New Democrats are calling on the B.C. Liberals to defend the B.C. fruit industry by working with the federal government to keep the province free of genetically modified fruit. "The B.C. tree fruit industry produces healthy products that are world famous for flavour and purity.  Growers are concerned that this marketing...

No excuse for further Liberal HST stalling

The BC Liberals and their friends in the corporate and media communities, have tried to sell the public on their supposed “business” abilities…unlike those “socialists” on the other side. And yet, after the voters ordered them to get rid of the HST, they are incapable of  returning for a full NINETEEN MONTHS to a provincial...