

BC Hydro: Arrow Flow Change Notification

BC Hydro would like to notify the public that the discharge rates from Arrow Lakes Reservoir will increase noticeably on Saturday, November 27 and Sunday, November 28. At 7 a.m. on Saturday, November 27, flows will increase from 292 cubic metres per second (m3/s) to 425 m3/s. At 8 a.m. on Saturday, November 27, flows will...

Stabbing leads Castlegar RCMP to drugs, weapons

Two local men  drew police attention to themselves after what appears to have been a knife fight, acccording to Castlegar detachment commander RCMP Sgt. Monty Taylor In the early morning hours of Nov. 23, a home owner on Rosedale Road in Ootishenia answered their door to a male covered in blood reporting he had been stabbed,"...

Highway 7 opens to essential travel

Highway 7 to Hope is open for essential travel, which will help people reach their homes and the movement of goods and services. Drivers can expect single-lane alternating traffic and significant delays due to congestion.  Crews are working to remove debris on Highway 3. The opening of this corridor is expected at some point...

Local experts talk climate change in upcoming event

 What can our community do to respond to a changing climate? How is climate change impacting our health? Our food security? Our forests? How can we help? To hear answers to these questions and more, join Wildsight’s Youth Climate Corps (YCC) on November 25th for the virtual event, Imagine Nelson: A Panel Discussion on...

Worley, McGregor elected to lead RDKB Board

During the recent Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Board meeting, Electoral Area C/Christina Lake Director Grace McGregor was re-elected by the board as vice-chair for a fifth consecutive term. McGregor has served as her area’s director since 2005. Also elected was Director Linda Worley as chair by the Regional District...

Surrey baby found safe after being abducted in stolen vehicle

Surrey RCMP is informing the public of a theft of vehicle and child abduction that occurred in the Cloverdale area. On Nov. 9, 2021 at 08:35 a.m., Surrey RCMP responded after a vehicle was stolen with a baby strapped into a car seat inside. The vehicle was parked, and left running in the driveway of a residence in the 17200-block...

B.C. wins climate award at Glasgow conference

An innovative CleanBC program designed to reduce industry emissions and maintain global competitiveness has won an international award presented by the Under2 Coalition during COP26 in Glasgow. The CleanBC Program for Industry was awarded most creative climate solution from the coalition, which is a global alliance of state...

Grand Forks RCMP release monthly report, winter driving tips

Grand Forks RCMP witnessed a dramatic reduction in their fall work load compared to the summer increase. In a media release, Grand Forks RCMP said statistical data is being released to highlight the difference between the summer months and the start of fall. From September 1 to October 31, 2021, Grand Forks officers attended...

Midway Mill Releases Inaugural Achievement Report

B.C.’s forest industry is a vital part of the province’s economy said a report released by Vaagen Fibre Canada. Small mills create more jobs per cubic-metre of timber than large forest product producers, keeping economies and communities strong, according to the Interior Lumber Manufacturer’s Association...

Special weather statement for Highway 3, Paulson Summit to Kootenay Pass.

Environment Canada has issued a Special weather statement Friday for Highway 3 — Paulson Summit to Kootenay Pass. Environment Canada said heavy rain is expected, with snow accumulations near the summit for Highway 3 Friday morning. “A weather system continues to give heavy rain over Kootenay regions — snow level is currently...

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