

Vandals destroy Castlegar mural

An art project meant partly to herald World Mental Health Day has been destroyed by vandalism, according to a staff member who asked to remain unnamed. "Out in the Open: Raising Awareness About Mental Health is a project developed with Castlegar Mental Health and Substance Use and client membership," she said. "This project...

Column: We owe Greta and the world's youth more than a Nobel Prize

Many people, including me, expected Greta Thunberg to win this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. Instead, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali was deservedly awarded for ending more than 20 years of conflict with neighbouring Eritrea.Greta and the young people worldwide urging adults to care about their future don’t need a Nobel....

Column: Choose your government: Canadians and a perilous future

The moment, the prospects, the significance This is my second and final column on the federal election at hand. I write this feeling very uncertain about what Canadians want from politics. I have just recently told a friend in a conversation about the election – one of many –  that I think conservatism in Canada is weak. But...

Celebrating 75 years Of respiratory care in the BC Rockies District and all of British Columbia

This October 2019, TB Vets Charitable Foundation is proud to announce, through the generosity of our donors, $793,793 worth of respiratory equipment was donated to 28 different Hospital, University and Search and Rescue Foundations all over our province including right here in the Rockies. ·         For over 75 years, TB Vets...

Op/Ed: Caribou numbers crashing; Tŝilhqot’in Nation alarmed

Southern BC has lost all or most of its formerly numerous wild mountain caribou. Populations are crashing in the BC central interior as well. The Western Canada Wilderness Committee points out that they “were once so numerous that an entire region of BC is named after them. The Cariboo in the central interior of BC was given...

Police Beat: The importance of good winter tires, and sober driving

Winter conditions are making driving dangerous on our mountain passes, especially for anyone without good snow tires.  At least one driver has already discovered that his tires were not up to the conditions: on September 29, near the Paulson Summit, a two-wheel drive car travelling in the slow  lane encountered heavy slush,...

Castlegar Event Adds Dose of Fun and Games to Help Educate about Depression, Anxiety and Good Mental Health

As the leaves fall, people’s moods can, too. Come autumn, families are in the thick of school and work schedules and stresses. Reduced daylight can affect routines. That’s why it’s an ideal time for the 25th annual Beyond the Blues: Education and Screening Days, which have helped 102,000 people across B.C. since 1995. “People...

Upcoming Federal Candidates Forums Focus on Climate Crisis and Solutions

Federal election candidates will have an opportunity to focus on issues around climate change and creating a healthier and more peaceful future in a pair of all-candidates forums slated for Oct. 7 (Nelson) and Oct. 9 (Castlegar). The forum, Safe Climate, Clean Energy, and Healthy Communities, is being organized by four...

Rossland's climate march

“Thank you all for coming out to support us!  There are so many more people than we had expected,” said one youth representative from the steps of City Hall. Another shouted, “We are Generation Zed! We won’t be stopped!” The crowd that started outside the Youth Space across from RSS blocked Washington street and one lane at...

En Famille International -- student exchange opportunity

Most of us have heard about the student exchange program operated by Rotary International, for students from 15 to 19.  Now, Rossland is the North American headquarters for another long-established student exchange program:  En Famile International is designed for students as young as 9, up to age 16. En Famille is a...

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