LETTER: Learn more about proportional representation
To The Editor: After studying Proportional Representation for upwards of a decade, I've come to realize that it is the best way to ensure the diversity of voter's voices is heard in Victoria. Under our present system, parties regularly garner 100 per cent of the power with only 40 per cent of the vote. Our present system sees...
Kootenay Big Bang mystery resolved
The Kootenays got its own version of the Big Bang Theory yesterday, as area residents speculated on the cause of a series of explosions. Speculation as to the cause of the sound was intense on social media, with one commenter describing a bang so loud they thought a car had driven into the side of their home.The Source contacted...
Rossland Lauded for Knotweed Control Actions
Japanese Knotweed is among the most feared invasive weeds, because of its effects on real estate values, taxes and infrastructure; it is unfortunately able to damage all three – it damages property values merely by being there, raises taxes by increasing municipal costs, and damages infrastructure by invading foundations,...
Castlegar fire engine doing muy bueno work in Mexico
Exactly one year from the day Firefighters Without Borders drove south with the fire engine Castlegar donated, Engine #3 was put to excellent use, according to Castlegar Fire Chief Sam Lattanzio. "I was contacted late last night by Fire Chief Roque Pineda of the San Pedro Pochutla Fire Department in southern Mexico," Lattanzio...
The new Eagle's Nest is ready for visitors!
Bring on the snow! The latest day-use shelter for free, self-propelled public recreation in the Rossland Range Recreation Site has an expansive view to enjoy along with those grilled (or charred) cheese sandwiches, or whatever form of lunch or snack skiers, snowshoers, fat bikers or hikers prefer. It’s...
Castlegar RCMP disrupts area drug trafficker
The Castlegar RCMP have a seized a substantial amount of illicit drugs following the execution of two search warrants at two Castlegar residences on Thursday. During the afternoon of October 25, 2018, the Castlegar RCMP conducted simultaneous search warrants on two local residences under the Controlled Drugs and Substances ...
Ootischenia MVA prompts RCMP to contact MoT for safer alternatives
Ootischenia Fire Department responded to a two-vehicle vehicle MVI involving a car and a pick-up truck at the intersection of Hwy 3 and Columbia Road at approximately 8:30 a.m. Tuesday morning according to Ootischenia firefighter Mike Pereversoff, who was first on scene. "The driver of the car was transported to hospital with...
Entertainment: Song, Dance, Laughter ...
Entertainment! As the days draw in and darkness takes over the afternoons, getting together for music, song, dancing and laughter helps keep life fun and repels the dismals. Here are four kinds of relief coming up locally, in order of appearance: Friday, November 2, at the Bailey Theatre in Trail: Cheesecake Burlesque – an...
RDKB recognized as climate action leader
The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary has been recognized by the joint Provincial-UBCM Green Communities Committee (GCC) as a climate leader for achieving Level 3, the second highest level in a four-level program toward becoming fully carbon neutral. Level 3 recognition means the RDKB has accelerated its progress on...
Letter: Please don't believe the lies.
To The Editor: Would you vote for a party list without candidates? Of course, you wouldn't, and neither would anybody else. Of course, we will keep local representation under pro rep, and of course nobody will be 'appointed' an MLA unless we vote for them. How dumb do Liberal Party bosses think BC voters are that we would...