Fire depts from across the across the province compete, raise record money for charity
On Sept. 7 and 8, Robson Fire Fighters hosted the fifth annual Firefighter Games in support of Muscular Dystrophy Canada. Sixteen teams from all over BC competed and the event was a tremendous success raising $11,488 for MD Canada. This is the highest total for the Firefighter Games in its five years and for the first year ...
Penticton SPCA overrun with cats
The BC SPCA has been coping with a massive intake of cats and kittens right across the province, including 111 cats surrendered to the BC SPCA’s South Okanagan Similkameen Branch in Penticton. “A total of 111 cats and kittens came in from the same owner, at a location in the 3600-block of Airport Road in Penticton,” says...
Advisory – Parking at KBRH during construction
We’re getting an expanded Emergency Department, and significant electrical upgrades, at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital. As with most operations, there’s some pain involved; people coming to the hospital will be faced with change and inconvenience for parking and access. Interior Health (IH) asks everyone coming to the...
Open burning now allowed in Boundary
BC Wildfire said in a media release that Category 3 open fires are again permitted in the Boundary Fire Zone. Campfires and Category 2 open burning are already allowed in the Boundary Fire Zone and throughout the Southeast Fire Centre's jurisdiction. Anyone wishing to light a Category 3 open fire must obtain a burn registration...
What's happening in the Rossland Range Recreation Site?
The short answer: LOTS. What IS the Rossland Range Recreation Site? Readers who aren’t familiar with the Rec Site can find information about it at this link, including maps, history, pictures, and much more. Recent days have seen helicopter delivery of materials to continue the refurbishment of the Old Glory Fire Lookout...
Students: Adventure Calls!
Rossland Rotary is now accepting International Youth Exchange applications: the deadline is September 30. Think about it! Will you graduate from high school in 2020 or later in the Rossland area? Will you be between the ages of 14 and 18 and a half years old as of August 1, 2019? Would you like to spend 10 months living...
Province announces new housing for Boundary flood victims
People in Grand Forks recovering from recent flooding will have access to approximately 100 new homes, as the Government of British Columbia expedites plans for two new housing projects. “People in Grand Forks are experiencing extraordinary loss, and that is why we are taking extraordinary measures to make sure they receive...
Electric vehicles for the Kootenays
accelerateKootenays was in Rossland on for Golden City Days with their fully electric Chevrolet Bolt. They answered questions about electric vehicles at their booth at the Fall Fair and then allowed curious Rosslanders to take the Bolt for a test drive. accelerate Kootenays is Canada’s first community-driven, collaborative...
Have your say this fall!
Have you moved or changed your name since the last election? Are you a registered voter for BC? The BC government wants to make sure that everyone who is eligible can vote in the October – November referendum on electoral reform, and urges everyone to either register, or make sure their voter information is up-to-date. Chief...
Fire knocked down in Castlegar
Two engines, 10 firefighters and two command vehicles showed up at a conflagration in the 700 block of 21 Street today, according to Fire Chief Sam Lattanzio. He said the call came in at 2:41 p.m., reporting on a fire in someone’s driveway. “When we arrived, it was fully-involved, a 70s model motorhome,” he said. “It impacted...