
British Columbians pay more, get less under HST, corporations billion-dollar winners: BC Federation of Labour

By Contributor
June 26th, 2011

The BC Federation of Labour recently launched a multi-media campaign to give British Columbians another view on the choices they face in the referendum on the HST.

“The Clark government’s so-called information campaign on the HST is poorly disguised advertising to persuade British Columbians to keep the HST,” said Jim Sinclair, president of the BC Federation of Labour. “Our analysis draws a very different conclusion. Corporations are the big winners if we keep the HST while the people of B.C. will pay much more in taxes if the HST is kept.”

The Federation’s analysis shows corporations will avoid paying as much as $2 billion a year in taxes under the HST while the people of B.C. will pay $1.3 billion a year more than they currently do under the PST.

The Federation’s analysis also indicates the Clark Liberal’s last-minute scramble to reduce the HST could lead to $1.6 billion in annual cuts to public services.

“The people of British Columbia should feel deceived that a so-called information campaign is really false advertising designed to sell the HST,” says Sinclair. “They should feel cheated that the Clark Liberals are using millions of taxpayer’s dollars to pay for this dishonest advertising to sell the HST which gives corporations another multi-billion dollar tax cut while British Columbians will pay more and get less.”

Categories: Issues
