
LETTER: Not everyone thrilled about Rick Hansen's visit

By Contributor
April 20th, 2012

Dear Rick Hansen:

I hope that during your next 25 years of raising money for spinal cord research (SCR) we will see the end of inhumane, scientifically fallacious spinal cord experiments on animals. It was 25 years ago when Lifeforce, a Vancouver based ecology and animal rights organization, gave you extensive data about the failure of “animal models” but you went on to fund animal experiments. Your Boards have had many vivisectors directing your funding priorities. You raised $20 million for SCR as the “Man in Motion”. Your “dream” for a cure is a nightmare for animals.

It is time to stop the barbaric experiments that have been repeated for over

50 years. New technologies, clinical/ epidemiological studies permit humane studies with humans. That is how breakthroughs are discovered! … CONTINUED IN THE PETITION BELOW.

Please see the new petition:


Please read: Rick Hansen and Lifeforce 25th Anniversaries



Peter Hamilton


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