
Yoga and Karma and Kitties, Oh My!

Tayla Scott
By Tayla Scott
June 17th, 2014

Want to take a yoga class, increase your good Karma, and help puppies and kittens, all at the same time?

Karma Yoga may be just the ticket – a summer yoga class anyone can attend by donation at Peak Physique on Sundays from 7-8 p.m., with all proceeds going to the Kootenay Animal Assistance Program (KAAP).

“We had six people show up, I think that’s a good turn-out for the first day,” said Kristine Voykin, owner of Peak Physique. “The average donation, I would say, was $15

“Everyone just seemed happy to be supporting a great cause and I’m really pleased with how it went.”

At the end of the summer, when the class ends, all the donations will go to KAAP, which is a charity which rescues homeless and neglected pets in the West Kootenay, as well as providing funds for spaying and neutering to low-income families.

“Our yoga instructor, Nicole Deer-Ferris, is donating her time to instruct. My husband and I own the gym, Peak Physique, and we’re donating the space,” said Voykin.

“Instead of people having to pay for a yoga class, we have a donation jar; everyone makes a donation. At the end of the summer, after we’ve collected all the money, then we’ll make the donation to KAAP,” said Voykin.

“[KAAP] does rescues and there are hoarding situations where they go in and take all the cats out and get them spayed or neutered, (socialize the animals), then adopt them out into families in other homes,” said Voykin.

“I’m an animal lover and they do so much for animals that really need help, so I just want to support them. I know they have really high costs.”

Voykin advertised for Karma Yoga mostly over Facebook and through word-of-mouth.

“It’s for all experience levels, from beginners to experts, because Nicole [the instructor] modifies each pose if she needs to,” said Voykin.

“I think everyone should come out. We can hold probably 25 people in that room and, if we fill the room every Sunday, KAAP is going to be better off for it,” said Voykin.

Nicole Deer-Ferris has been a yoga instructor at Peak Physique since January, and will be leading Karma Yoga.

“I wanted to do a donation class because yoga is something that should be accessible to everyone, I think, and the classes can be quite expensive,” said Deer-Ferris.

“It’s just a good way of getting other people who might not be able to afford regular classes out to do yoga and to give back to a charity,” said Deer-Ferris.

Laurel Mathew, president of KAAP, said she’s thrilled with the initiative.

“We at KAAP are delighted that Spencer and Kristine at Peak Physique thought of us to include, and donate to, as part of their Karma Yoga this summer,” she said. “We appreciate and rely on each and every donation, as it keeps us able to afford rescuing, rehabilitating and re-homing unfortunate animals. I hope lots of people go out and enjoy some yoga fun and fitness while also supporting KAAP.” 




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Categories: General
