
Letter: Please don't believe the lies.

Letters to the editor
By Letters to the editor
October 12th, 2018

To The Editor:


Would you vote for a party list without candidates? Of course, you wouldn’t, and neither would anybody else.

Of course, we will keep local representation under pro rep, and of course nobody will be ‘appointed’ an MLA unless we vote for them.

How dumb do Liberal Party bosses think BC voters are that we would believe this nonsense?

This referendum is an evolution, building on the foundation of the system we already have, and not at all the scary revolution the Liberal Party elites try to make us believe it is.

In rural BC, with all three proportional voting system on the ballot we will continue to elect local representatives exactly as we do now, and simply add a layer of representation to make all our votes count and proportional election results. We may get a maximum of 8 more MLAs, but no region will lose representation, and rural ridings under pro rep will be larger than they are now but will have smaller footprints than our current federal ridings.

Voters will have more choice, it will eliminate the need for strategic voting, governments will mirror how we voted, and politicians will have to work together instead of just yelling at each other.

If we get buyer’s regret, we can vote back the current system after a couple of elections.

Don’t believe the ‘liberal’ interpretation of the facts by Liberal party bosses, and endlessly repeated by their puppet MLAs. Their rhetoric is driven by their concern about losing their privileges; not about what is best for voters and the Province.

Proportional representation will fix the most glaring flaws of our current system, empower voters and strengthen our democracy, and that’s nothing to be afraid of.   

Sjeng Derkx, Nelson BC

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
