
Trail, Rossland residents 'Walk Your Own Way' in support of people affected by dementia

By Contributor
March 19th, 2021

To mark Brain Awareness Week, a global campaign is encouraging Trail and Rossland residents to consider their brain health.

While the causes of and cure for dementia are still being researched, we know there are things we can do to reduce our risk of developing the disease. This includes being physically active. People who exercise regularly are less likely to develop heart disease, stroke and diabetes – all risks associated with dementia.

In support of Brain Awareness Week, which runs through March 21, the Alzheimer Society of B.C. is encouraging residents to register in the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s. The online fundraiser takes place throughout May.

The 2021 event will be a “Walk your own way” initiative, meaning that anyone anywhere in the province can take part. “This past year has been full of unprecedented challenges, particularly for people living with dementia and their care partners,” says Barbara Lindsay, interim CEO of the Alzheimer Society of B.C., “Fundraisers like the Walk help enable the Society to continue providing support and resources, which are needed more than ever.”

Getting involved is easy. Throughout May area residents can set themselves a challenge – like walking, running or dancing – while fundraising to support people living with the disease and their care partners. Participants are encouraged to get creative and do what works for them – and ensure their plans to participate adhere to current provincial health guidelines.

An online celebration on Sunday, May 30 will end the month of activity.

“As well as raising funds, participants also help raise critical awareness of the impact of dementia in their community. While the 2021 event is different than in past years, it continues to be a way to celebrate and remember people in our lives who have been affected by dementia,” says Lindsay.

In past, the Walk typically took place in-person in more than 20 communities across the province.

Funds raised during the event help fund the Alzheimer Society of B.C.’s online programs, education and services for people in communities across the province. People who support the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s today will double their impact, as a generous supporter has committed $35,000 to match all donations made between March 22 and April 11.

Visit walkforalzheimers.ca to donate, register and set up a personal fundraising page to start planning how you are going to walk your own way.

This post was syndicated from https://castlegarsource.com
Categories: Health
