
Interior region care homes awarded national grant

Interior Health Authority
By Interior Health Authority
June 7th, 2021

Care homes and hospice houses throughout the Interior region have been awarded $700,000 in special support through the national ‘LTC+ Acting on Pandemic Learning Together’ program.

LTC+ is an initiative by Healthcare Excellence Canada launched to help support the long-term care (LTC) sector to document and share lessons learned from delivering care during COVID-19, with the goal of being better prepared for pandemics in the future.

“I would like to thank Healthcare Excellence Canada for launching the LTC+ program and for the generous financial support towards seniors care throughout the Interior,” said Interior Health president and CEO Susan Brown. “The people who live, work and visit care homes and hospice houses know firsthand the massive impact this pandemic has had on residents’ quality of care and the stress it has put on families and staff. This special support will go a long way in capturing the lessons learned from this pandemic to prevent future challenges in the future.”

Recipient long-term care and assisted living homes and hospice houses applied and joined a national initiative through the LTC+: Acting on Pandemic Learning Together program. This funding will support the 70 care homes in the Interior to build on what has been learned through COVID-19, and strengthen their pandemic response in six key areas of practice: readiness, prevention, people in the workforce, surge capacity, care planning, and the presence of family.

“The pandemic has emphasized the importance of working collaboratively. When we work together, we can achieve so much more,” said Tanya MacDonald, director of Innovations and Strategic Development at Healthcare Excellence Canada. “LTC+ is a true partnership with organizations such as BC Patient Safety and Quality Council and the homes that are participating. We are working with each other, not for each other.”

LTC+ is being delivered by Healthcare Excellence Canada (formerly Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement and Canadian Patient Safety Institute) an independent not-for-profit charity funded by Health Canada.

LTC+ is supported by partners, including the BC Patient Safety and Quality Council, Manitoba Institute for Patient Safety, New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes and Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, with additional funding support from the Canadian Medical Association Foundation.

This post was syndicated from https://castlegarsource.com
Categories: Health


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