
Mayoral Candidate (Trail) Colleen Jones - in her own words

By Contributor
October 13th, 2022
I have spent the last four years advocating for- and representing the citizens of Trail in my role as a City Councillor. I am ready for the next step in my expansive career — to be the Mayor of Trail, the city I have called home for most of my life.
No stranger to the political sphere, I enjoyed 32 years in a management role for the provincial government negotiating and bargaining for government employees and management at all levels. With this valuable experience I was recently appointed by Council to represent the City of Trail during bargaining with CUPE 2087 Public Works and the Library Board. Through bargaining a positive outcome was secured.
My extensive experience in labour management, and lobbying government at all levels, has given me the skills needed to build strong teams and to be a proficient leader.
In the course of my time as a City Counsellor I have been appointed to several Standing Committees and assumed the challenges and responsibilities of each appointment:
▪ City of Trail Governance and Operations – Councillor
▪ Major Industrial Property & Taxation Committee
▪ Trail Silver Days – past Chairperson
▪ Trail & District Public Library – Past Chair and currently City Council representative
▪ Regional District of Kootenay Boundary – Director City of Trail – Board member
o RDKB – West Kootenay BC Transit Committee
o RDKB – Solid Waste Management Committee
o RDKB – Liquid Waste Management Committee
o RDKB – Utilities Committee
o RDKB – East End Seven Board
▪ Trail Ambassador Program – City of Trail representative
▪ Greater Trail Home of Champions – Past Chairperson
▪ LCCDTS – Lower Columbia Community Development Team Society Alternate
▪ Organizational Review Committee – Councillor
▪ Riverfront Centre Advisory Committee – Council rep
▪ AKBLG – Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Government – Board member
▪ CUPE Bargaining – Council representative on the bargaining committee for the Library Board and City of Trail Public Works.
▪ Supportive Housing Working Group
I am extremely active in my community and enjoy several outdoor activities that this amazing community has to offer. I am a former associate member of the Kootenay Robusters, a dragon boat team who raise awareness and fundraises in support of finding a cure for breast cancer. I have contributed countless hours as a volunteer for many local organizations and events, and treasure the relationships formed through volunteering. My involvement with non-profit organizations within our community has helped me understand more about the issues and priorities of our community. Working side-by-side with volunteers and community members has given me a great appreciation for the expertise that each contribute. I would like to have these community members more involved in community discussion groups, contribute to decision-making, allowing me to be the voice and advocate for changes within our community.
My grandchildren will be the fourth generation of my family to live, work, and play in the City of Trail. A fact that I am truly proud of. My great-uncle Anton Austad has a significant mention in the City of Trail history books, from his time as an alderman. He even has a street named after him, Austad Lane.
My goal, my passion, is to keep Trail a healthy and safe community for everyone. I offer my commitment and my energy to the residents of Trail; to improve access to affordable housing and childcare, stimulate economic growth, and ensure residents can enjoy active lifestyles in my hometown. Dedicated to making a lasting difference, I am not afraid to hit the streets and engage with people in my community. In fact, these personal connections are what I appreciate and value — when the residents of Trail speak, I will listen.
I cannot do this alone, I need your support! If you want positive change, like I do, PLEASE #JustVoteJones on October 15th.
Categories: Op/EdPolitics


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