

B.C. government to study liquor in grocery stores

Beer from WalMart, wine at Save On Foods or spirits at the local corner store? Purchasing alcohol in grocery stores could be a reality sooner than consumers think as the provincial government plows though the responses from the Liquor Policy Review. "I've heard strong support for liquor sales in grocery stores and the added...

CBT commits nearly $2 million over three years to Basin Business Advisors program

Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) has committed $1,980,000 in funding over the next three years to the Basin Business Advisors(BBA) program. Delivered by Community Futures(CF), the program aims to build economic capacity in Basin communities by strengthening and supporting all business models. “As we move into our new agreement with...

Selkirk offers one-day course to help you deal with media

If interviewed by the media, would you be prepared to be spokesperson for your community group, charitable organization, interest group or business? If you’d like to brush up on your speaking and presentation skills, an upcoming Selkirk College media skills course will help improve your ability to get your message across. To...

College of the Rockies uses simulators to train haul truckers

Advanced Education Minister Amrik Virk got a hands-on demonstration Wednesday of a haul-truck simulator during a visit to the College of the Rockies. "Haul-truck simulators at the college are preparing students in the region for B.C.'s mining sector with hands-on training," said Virk. "We expect thousands of jobs in the mining...

Arrow Lakes Reservoir gets another $1.25 million in fish food

The Arrow Lakes Power Corporation (ALPC), a subsidiary of Columbia Power and Columbia Basin Trust, has signed another five-year funding agreement with the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP) for the Arrow Lakes Reservoir Nutrient Restoration Program. ALPC will contribute one quarter – or an estimated total of $1.25...

Waneta Expansion Project reaches milestone

The Waneta Expansion Project south of Trail reached a milestone early Thursday morning when the first of two 117 tonne transformers were moved through the streets of Trail and onto the mega project near the Canada/US border. The first of two 16-foot wide, 117 tonne transformers travels through downtown Trail on a 201 foot-long...

City to sell Esplanade lands for downtown development

Trail City Council is pleased to offer two key properties on Esplanade Avenue fronting the Columbia River for development purposes. The city is seeking proposals from developers to purchase and develop the properties in the heart of Trail’s downtown with preference as a mixed-use project, combining residential and commercial...

Teck's sustainability practices rank in top 10 per cent

Teck has been named to the 2013 Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI) for the fourth straight year, indicating that Teck's sustainability practices rank in the top 10 per cent of the world's 2,500 largest public companies. "We're pleased to be appointed to the DJSI for the fourth straight year," said Don Lindsay, president...

BC Chambers of Commerce join litigation to stop 'draconian' policy of US border officials

The BC Chamber of Commerce has joined litigation filed in a U.S. court to push back against border measures that pose a serious risk for B.C. businesses and tourists. Currently, British Columbians heading to the U.S. for business or tourism purposes face a border regime that empowers border guards, at their own discretion and...

Feds commit more than $.75 million for Castlegar infrastructure

The West Kootenay Regional Airport is set to get more than $600,000 for runway maintenance equipment and systems, the Complex gets $100,000 for a new boiler and the Doukhobor Discovery Centre will receive more than $60,000 for renovations. The federal grant funding was announced at two separate events today, one at the airport...

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