

Returning to the caveman diet

By David A Gabel, ENN In today’s age of highly processed food, packaged and shaped to look like animals, filled with ingredients we have never heard of, it is tempting to return to a diet from a much simpler time. A new fad that is catching on, known as the Paleolithic or “paleo” diet, aims […]

BC's poverty rate still highest in Canada: First Call

British Columbia’s child poverty rate rose to 12 per cent in 2009 in the wake of the international economic downturn, Statistics Canada reported recently — it was the highest child poverty rate of any province for the eighth year in a row. The BC rate also remained higher than the national child poverty rate of […]

Canadians spend more time surfing the web than playing with their pets

A new research study of the state of pet health and wellness in Canada has found that the choices owners are making about their pets’ nutrition and exercise could be affecting the length and quality of their pets’ lives. Canada’s Pet Wellness Report; a research study of 1,000 Canadian dog or cat owners and 100 […]

Confronting aging — inside and out

As the baby boomer generation continues to increase in age, so does its passion to remain youthful, both inside and out. Beating the clock is now a multi-faceted, science-driven industry. From its age-old quests to find the elixir of life, to modern exploration of how microcellular activity contributes to metabolic breakdown, scientific research continues to […]

Medical marijuana: Health Canada admits program needs fixing

The Canadian Association of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries (CAMCD) feels they should be directly involved in any process to change the federal medical marijuana program. CAMCD was recently established to promote a regulated approach to medical cannabis access and is currently creating a certification system for dispensaries to ensure quality care is available for patients across […]

Treatment options for environmental sensitivities — part two

Last week Dr, Brenda Gill outlined how to help yourself if you suffer from allergies at this time of the year. Today, she writes part two of her environmental sensitivity column. The following will give you some ideas on how to minimize your reactions. Minimize your known allergens – food and environmental For airborns: Consider […]

Nearly two billion people worldwide now overweight

By Editor, Worldwatch Institute More than 1.9 billion people worldwide were overweight in 2010, a 25 per cent increase since 2002, a new Worldwatch analysis shows. A survey of statistics in 177 countries shows 38 percent of adults — those 15 years or older — are now overweight. The trend is strongly correlated to rising […]

Treatment options for environmental sensitivities

By Dr. Brenda Gill Since we are just starting to get into the season of cottonwood, increased dust and pollen because we’ve had such a cold and wet May, I thought this would be a good time to discuss minimizing the effects of allergens.  Also, we have some exciting new de-sensitization drops that have been […]

Invasive plant “Knot” welcome in Trail

Supported by funding from the Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP) and led by the Central Kootenay Invasive Plant Committee (CKIPC), the students and other partners took action to remove the knotweed infestation east of Trail, along Casino Road. With partnership from the Native Plant Study Group and Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, the project […]

Solar flare to deliver 'glacing blow' to Earth's magnetic field

By Andy Soos, ENN The Sun unleashed an M-2 (medium-sized) solar flare, an S1-class (minor) radiation storm and a spectacular coronal mass ejection on Tuesday. The large cloud of particles mushroomed up and fell back down looking as if it covered an area of almost half the solar surface. A solar flare is a sudden […]

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