

LETTER: Public urged to attend IHA public health forum March 16

To the Editor: Since the successful public rallies last fall to retain Castlegar’s Ultrasound service and staffing, the Citizens for Better Access to Health Care have continued to work diligently to influence IHA to have open communication with communities in our region regarding health issues. This has included staffing issues for ultrasound machines in both Nelson […]

Salvation Army Launches 'The Dignity Project'

A report released today by The Salvation Army finds that many Canadians continue to believe persistent myths about poverty and the poor. The study is being released in conjunction with the launch of The Dignity Project, a campaign designed to educate and inform the public about the challenges facing society’s most vulnerable people. While the […]

Mir Centre for Peace presents Sharon Butala

Never in history has there been such a large cohort of women living beyond their 70s, still in good health, who combined, are often trapped by poverty and the loss of meaningful roles in our individualistic culture. Selkirk College’s Mir Centre for Peace Winter Lecture Series invites you to gain insight on the role of […]

Food Friday: Sweet buckwheat crackers

I just have to be honest. I’m a total sucker for buttery, brown sugary goodness, like butter tarts, and pecan squares. I mean, really, who isn’t? If you say you aren’t you’re a liar, and you know it. Well you no longer have to live a lie-filled, deprived life as you try to make healthier […]

Pure, unadulterated goodness

What do blueberries, Brazilian inspired underwear, and a couple butt-lifting exercises have in common? Absolutely nothing. So moving on, we’ll start with the blueberries. We know they’re good for us, we’ve heard all about it, I’m not going to go on about that. What I am going to go on about is how if you’re like me and […]

Environment becomes priority for the City of Grand Forks

The growing pressure to address environmental concerns in the Grand Forks area led city council to increase the mandate of their air quality committee to become the new environment committee tackling air, water and climate change.Chaired by Councillor Chris Moslin, the new committee held its inaugural meeting last week. Twenty-one people came out to the meeting […]

Cops, kids and community - CPEC work begins

Preventing crime by connecting with kids – that’s the baseline goal of a new RCMP-led initiative at work in Castlegar. Today saw one of the first meetings of a group of stakeholders engaged in the initiative, which labours under the weighty moniker Community Policing Education Continuum (CPEC).   Spearheaded by RCMP Cpl. Marty Kooiman, CPEC […]

Species-at-risk defenders walk away from NAFTA review process

An international coalition of environmental groups, represented by Ecojustice, has withdrawn in protest a complaint against Canada, a first in the history of NAFTA’s environmental watchdog.  The complaint, made to the Commission on Environmental Cooperation (CEC) in 2006, alleged that the Canadian government failed to enforce laws to protect at least 197 at-risk species in […]

The best guilt-free dessert of almost-ever

I know I said my next post was going to be some reviews, but I haven’t quite had time to pull that one together, with all my fitness classes up and on the go now, and my experimentation in the kitchen being semi-out of control. The review post will come up soon, hopefully in the […]

New avalanche signage increases backcountry safety

Backcountry enthusiasts will now have access to better information for evaluating snow conditions and assessing avalanche risks, thanks to new avalanche awareness signage around the province. Avalanche awareness signs targeting mountain snowmobilers have been posted at 23 key highway locations and most of the 85 managed snowmobile areas in the province. These signs advise sledders […]

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