

IHA offers tips that can reduce the risk of rabies

Summer is just around the corner and for most families that means plenty of time spent outdoors. So it’s important to know that activities like these can result in contact with bats, the primary carrier of the rabies virus in B.C.   According to Interior Health Authority (IHA) rabies is a very serious disease that affects the...

RCMP urge parents to drop off prescriptions

The BC RCMP is asking parents and grandparents to be aware of a growing problem of prescription drug abuse among youth. According to a 2009 study, one fifth of students in grades 7-12 have used at least one prescription drug without a doctor’s prescription. Oftentimes these medications were stolen from a medicine cabinet or a […]

RDCK issues 'boil water advisory' for Fauquier

Recent tests showing poor water quality has forced the Regional District Central Kootenay (RDCK) to issue a Boil Water Notice for users on the Fauquier Water System. Recent testing shows that current water quality is now poor due to increased seasonal turbidity (cloudiness). “The RDCK and Interior Health recommend that all customers drink boiled water […]

Three of four provincial parties break silence on health

The BC Heart and Stroke Foundation announced results from a survey of the four provincials parties on the eve of the Tuesday, May 14 vote. In March 2013, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, BC & Yukon sent a survey to British Columbia’s major political parties and incumbent Independent MLAs on 10 key policy priorities and […]

Nanaimo cuts place patients at risk says BCNU

Nurses on Vancouver Island are demanding an immediate halt to a plan to cut nurses at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital because it puts patients’ safety at risk.   The Vancouver Island Health Authority scheme would eliminate a total of 26 nurses – both Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses – from teams providing bedside care […]

Protect yourself, protect others, get immunized

In the last 50 years, immunization has saved more lives in Canada than any other health intervention.    April 20 to 27 isNational Immunization Awareness Week, and this year, Interior Health would like to remind you that we can all play an important role in stopping the spread of vaccine preventable diseases.  When most people...

Health gap in B.C. widening, says Health Council

People in the least well‐off areas of British Columbia are dying sooner than those in better‐off areas, according to new figures from the Health Officers Council of BC. Overall life expectancy in BC has improved, but in less affluent areas of the province life expectancy has remained much the same or even declined. In an...

Out of Left Field: She promises gluten-free recipes, then just yatters on and on ....

I’m sorry I didn’t get this posted in time to make Sunday dinner – I’ll aim to post Sunday mornings from now on, but …well, it’s Sunday morning, so don’t watch the clock. Cartoons end when they end, man. The reason for my tardiness is that I couldn’t settle on a recipe – I kept […]

Medical Journals Spotlight Kootenay Lake Hospital: Standards in emergency medical care needed

By Suzy Hamilton, The Nelson Daily Nelson fell from fourth to last place in its failure to rescue critically ill patients in a 2011 report by the Fraser Institute.  And the doctor citing the Fraser Institute’s Hospital Report Card (www.hospitalreportcards.ca), which used data from 2009, says Nelson residents are still at risk 11 years after […]

Stop 'genetically modified alfalfa' protest comes to Nelson

People from the Nelson area joined fellow protesters across Canada outside the Kootenay Co-op in Nelson Tuesday for Day of Action to Stop GM Alfalfa. Rallies, called for by the National Farmers Union-Ontario, and supported by the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, were held to stop the introduction of genetically modified (GM) alfalfa (http://www.cban.ca/Resources/Topics/GE-Crops-and-Foods-Not-on-the-Market/Alfalfa). The company […]

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