

Crowd demands answers from mining proponents

Proposed environmental and safety precautions are not enough for residents along the Granby River north of Grand Forks to believe that a granite mine, whose products are heading to China, should proceed. “The negative impacts far outweigh the benefits to this community or to Canada,” said Dana Riester who lives near the bluff....

Employment: Myths versus reality

When it comes to jobs and the economy we often get conflicting messages as to how many jobs were actually created.  I thought it would be interesting to share some figures that Statistics Canada released for the month of May. THE BASICS The Canadian economy as a whole added just 7,700 jobs in May – a relatively weak showing. ...

Small businesses in Koots FLIP over savings

More than 1,300 small businesses in the Okanagan and Kootenays are reaping big savings on their electricity bills thanks to a $6.85 million lighting installation program sponsored by the Province of British Columbia and FortisBC.  “Small businesses in the Okanagan and Kootenays wanted a program that would make saving energy...

UN advisor returns to Kootenays from Rio with new hope for local solutions … and little faith in global ones

United Nations trade and climate change advisor Aaron Cosbey—a Rossland resident—attended the first Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and he was back again last week for the glitz, fanfare, and "complete failure" of the Rio +20 anniversary conference."It was a very predictable thing," Cosbey said, listing many reasons...

Selkirk College celebrates Teck Metals Ltd. and art

Selkirk College celebrated Teck Metals Trail Operation’s contribution to the Aboriginal Gathering Place, Thursday May 31. Carol Vanelli Worosz, Communications Manager for Teck Metals Ltd., in Trail, accepted a hand crafted metal art sculpture commissioned from B.C. Aboriginal artist, Clint George, in recognition of Teck’s...

Date set for BC Family Day in February

Ed. Note: The following is a press release issued by the government of B.C. Premier Christy Clark, along with Margaret MacDiarmid, Minister of Labour, Citizens' Services and Open Government were joined by local families at the Vancouver Aquarium today to announce that B.C.'s Family Day will take place on the second Monday in...

OP/ED: MP slams Tory cuts to Community Access Program funding

Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko added his voice today to the growing calls from his constituents demanding that the Conservative government reverse the cuts to the Community Access Program (CAP) hidden in the federal omnibus Budget Bill C-38 that will affect rural and low-income Canadians.   “CAP used to have more service...

NDP calls on province to fight GMO apples

New Democrats are calling on the B.C. Liberals to defend the B.C. fruit industry by working with the federal government to keep the province free of genetically modified fruit. "The B.C. tree fruit industry produces healthy products that are world famous for flavour and purity.  Growers are concerned that this marketing...

Midway mill logs top billing

The Boundary Sawmill start-up took top marks last week as community project of the year at the B.C. Economic Summit. The Economic Development Association of BC (EDABC) and BC Hydro announced the winners of the 2012 BC Economic Development Awards at the banquet held Tuesday, May 15, in Richmond, B.C. Mayor Randy Kappes was on...

Modernizing technology for women's health

If you could ensure women in the Kootenay Boundary access to mammography with less radiation, better results and the capacity for non-surgical biopsies would you even question the potential? It’s a clear win situation for the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital Foundation in their quest to purchase digital mammogram equipment....

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