

New residential care rates benefit low-income seniors

About a quarter of seniors in residential care in B.C. will now receive up to an additional $600 a year. The change is the result of the Province increasing the minimum monthly disposal income amount for residential care clients to accommodate a federal government supplement top-up of $50. Under a revised residential care rate structure, the […]

OP/ED: Occupy Vancouver blocks New Brighton Park Port

On a crisp and sunny afternoon, over one hundred Occupy protesters held a rally and march in support of the Occupy movements all across the West Coast of Turtle Island (North America) to send a strong and clear message to the 1%.  “We here to support workers who are under union busting, who aren’t even […]

Xiao Zhang Case:BC courts GUILTY of contempt

If only BC courts showed the same respect for the courts and the legal system that they demand--or least hope--of us. But they don’t. BC judges and BC courts have often made a complete mockery of our laws, the justice system and the citizenry’s expectations to see justice done and be protected from the evil that dwell among...

OP/ED: Clark and Bond wrong on public, wrong on electoral finance reform

The BC Liberal government may have committed itself to transparency, new ideas and engaging with British Columbians in its October 3rd Throne speech, but according to IntegrityBC the memo doesn't seem to have quite reached every minister. The non-partisan organization was reacting to a letter it received from Attorney General...

Dix ratified as NDP provincial leader

VANCOUVER - Leader Adrian Dix told the BC NDP’s 50th Anniversary Convention that inequality is the defining issue of our time and outlined the NDP’s priorities for when it forms government in 2013.“Growing inequality has been the defining feature of a decade of Liberal rule,” said Dix. “We’ve had years of slow growth that is...

IntegrityBC releases first of four videos by Cariboo North MLA Bob Simpson

As part of its mandate to foster a dialogue between British Columbians and their MLAs, IntegrityBC today released the first of four videos by Cariboo North MLA Bob Simpson (Independent).In the first video [attached], Bob Simpson discusses the impact of money on B.C. politics.“Social media is an ideal way for British Columbians...

Province changes hunting allocations

The Province has established a wildlife harvest allocation policy that creates greater consistency and transparency for B.C.’s guide outfitters and resident hunters, announced Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Steve Thomson.  Harvest allocations are the number of animals of a species that are allowed to be harvested by resident hunters and guided hunters […]

SHADES OF GREEN: The Keystone XL protests and the Occupy Movement

The protest against the 2,763 km Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta's tar sands to America's Gulf States' oil refineries are driven by a deeper concern than risk to Nebraska's Sand Hills region and its underlying Ogallala aquifer. The same applies to The worldwide Occupy movement, too, is motivated by a deeper concern than...

OP/ED: B.C. needs to tighten belts or suffer the consequences

By: Jordan Bateman, Canadian Taxpayers Federation B.C. Finance Minister Kevin Falcon, like a cliché movie hero, is slowly sinking into fiscal quicksand. In his recently released quarterly fiscal report, he told British Columbians that economic growth has slowed, crown corporation revenues are down and the provincial deficit is exploding. The true culprit – runaway spending […]

My Rx for Occupy Vancouver success

I hope the REAL Occupy Vancouver movement does not fade away. For MOST of our sakes, it MUST not. Their message--that the rich must STOP getting richer at the expense of the rest of us--must not die, or be forgotten, or cease to be advocated. promoted and brought to success in our society. Readers of this blog will know how...