

DENTAL CARE: Putting our money where our mouth is

The re-negotiations of the federal-provincial-territorial health accord are on the horizon, and everyone is looking for a way to save money and improve health.  Sound impossible?  Why don’t we put our money where our mouth is?   It’s a strange truth of Canadian public policy: the care of our lips, tongues, and throats is fully […]

Harper majority would be a dictatorship

Ask anyone who has lived under a dictatorship and they will tell you of its ugly features: A Supreme Leader who rules with an iron fist; legislation pushed through by a rubber stamp legislative assembly with little or closured debate; government officials ordered into silence or fearful of speaking up; and a press denied the right to even […]

H.O. Blasts Lack of BC Rail Answers

There are lots of questions remaining about the BC Rail scandal…. the biggest being ‘why did the Liberal government pick up the $6M defence lawyers’ tab for two convicted criminals?’.   This week I had a chance to keep that question–and story-alive, by appearing on broadcaster Stirling Faux on-line business show This Week in Money.  Here’s […]

Government data reveals hundreds of B.C. grizzlies killed by humans in 2010

New government data shows that more than 300 grizzly bears were killed in British Columbia last year, mostly as a result of trophy hunting. Released by the David Suzuki Foundation at the start of B.C.’s spring bear hunt, official government records indicate 317 grizzlies died at the hands of humans in 2010. Almost four out […]

Real change? Madam Premier, the paramedics are waiting

Apppointed (not elected) Premier Christy Clark promised “change”. And as part of her honeymoon period in the public eye, the media has treaded rather softly in scrutinizing her early days in office. She announced a raise in the minimum wage to be staged over time, but nevertheless welcomed by most British Columbians. Many were embarrassed by this […]

I'm voting for 'none of the above'

So what do we do now? We’re about to have an election almost no one wants; that likely won’t change the political balance of power; and, despite the rhetoric, probably won’t actually result in substantial policy changes.  And for this non-altering experience taxpayers will shell out $300 million! Sigh… I am not a dedicated partisan. Over my life, I have voted for all […]

Clark's appointment of 10 Parliamentary Secretaries disappoints those hoping for smaller government

During the leadership race, Christy Clark committed to a smaller cabinet and to redefining and empowering the role of MLA. Appointing a smaller cabinet gave the appearance of follow through. The addition of 10 parliamentary secretaries means 56% of the Liberal caucus has appointments.   “Christy Clark is continuing the trend of using perks to […]

Radiation from Japan poses no health risk in BC

British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall today issued a statement reassuring British Columbians that there is no expected health risk from radiation at the Japanese nuclear power plant. “Based on present information, we do not expect any health risk following the nuclear reactor releases in Japan, nor is the consumption of potassium iodide […]

First Nations Summit congratulates Premier Clark: Encourage government to commit to new relationship with First Nations families

The First Nation Summit today congratulated Premier Christy Clark on her appointment and swearing in of her cabinet, and welcomed the appointment of Mary Polak as the new Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation.  Premier Clark’s recognition of the importance of strengthening relationships and creating shared economic opportunities for BC’s First Nations was welcome news […]

Clark needs to halt Hydro’s job-killer as unemployment hits 8.8 per cent: BC Fed. of Labour

The BC Federation of Labour is calling on premier-designate Christy Clark to halt BC Hydro’s introduction of new hydro meters and to put the billion dollar investment in this unproven new technology under review by the BC Utilities Commission.   “Putting the program on hold is a win-win for British Columbians,” said BC Federation of […]