

Registration Now Open for Shaping Our Future Together

Registration is now open for the 2010 Columbia Basin Symposium: Shaping Our Future Together: Take Action, Build Partnerships, Strengthen Communities. Hosted by CBT, the symposium takes place October 22–24, 2010, in Revelstoke. People interested in attending the free event are invited to register online, call 1.800.505.8998 or drop into a CBT office as soon as […]

ATAMANENKO: Private member's bill would prevent job-killing foreign takeovers

A private member’s bill tabled by New Democrat Mining Critic Claude Gravelle (Nickel Belt) would amend the Investment Canada Act to prevent job-killing foreign takeovers of Canadian companies. As it presently stands, when a foreign company proposes a takeover of a Canadian firm, the information it provides to Industry Canada...

Carole James courts the carpetbaggers

So Carole James thinks meeting with business is going to help her look like a leader. Good luck with that. No one will take this sad effort seriously – not her supporters, who want her to represent them which means against the reactionary interests of business. And certainly not business who will only be impressed with an NDP...

Sun/Province: a loss of trust

Trust. It’s a small word, but it represents a very big concept: perhaps one of the most powerful positive characteristics we allow in our personal or business relationships.And, apart from perhaps the medical profession, there may be no business that DEPENDS more on the trust of its customers than the news business, especially...

AM Ford and community to raise money for BV Nitehawks

The Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited and A.M. Ford will be partnering to help raise money in support of the Beaver Valley Nitehawks as part of Ford’s Drive One 4 UR Team program. Greater Trail community members will have the opportunity to participate and help raise up to $6,000 for the sports team by […]

MP Atamanenko supports Charter rights for RCMP

MP Alex Atamanenko has taken up the cause of various professional police associations across the country in their efforts to obtain an effective labour relations system for the RCMP, based on the principle of collective bargaining. Currently, the RCMP is the only police agency in Canada that does not have the right to collectively bargain with […]

Do we need a Police State Watch?

Last spring I wrote a column called “Is this what a police state looks like” in response to the dangerous police actions surrounding the G20 Summit in Toronto.  I argued–as many have–that police states don’t pop up full blown over night. They develop slowly in direct proportion to people’s willingness to accept new definitions...

Steelworkers International president comes to the West Kootenays

Leo Gerard, the international president of the United Steelworkers is coming to the Kootenays on October 2. He will be speaking at a fundraising dinner for the Kootenay West NDP at the Labour Centre in Trail. “It’s a great honour for us to get such a distinguished labour leader to speak at our dinner in […]

Carole James: Say it ain't so!

NDP leader Carole James was so quiet for so long, many of her own supporters wondered where she was all summer.  With the HST and the Liberals imploding, it would have been a great time for the wanna-be Premier to show her stuff, to take the lead, to convince British Columbians she’s no wasteful socialist extremist. Then she...

22 area residents receive CBT volunteer awards

Thanks to their commitments to volunteering, 22 Basin residents have received money to pursue post-secondary education or training through the 2010 College Community Service Awards (CCSA), funded by Columbia Basin Trust (CBT). The $2,000 awards are available to Basin residents who have taken a hiatus of at least one year after completing high school and wish to continue their […]

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