
BC Nurses Union urges IH to look at alternative solutions to Kaslo Hospital

Letters to the editor
By Letters to the editor
October 6th, 2013

Editor, The Nelson Daily

The Interior Health Authority’s decision to reduce Emergency services to Kalso will only result in hardship to the members of that community, and those members who live in outlying communities which are serviced by Kaslo. 

Contrary to The Ministry of Health’s strategic goal #3 which speaks to accessibility of timely, safe, and appropriate hospital services that support the needs of the patients and their families;  the IHA’s decision to reduce services at the Victorian Hospital in Kaslo will do exactly the opposite.

Losing the emergency services in Kalso will reduce the ability to triage and stabilize patients with medical emergencies.

The loss of these services will result in patients having to travel to Nelson, by either private vehicle or the provincial ambulance service. Those patients may then require more critical intervention and the delay in providing service may result in increased complications and deaths. 

In light of the negative impact to our families and communities, I urge the IHA to look at all models of care, including the use of Nurse Practitioners, promotion of Nurse First Call and Remote Nursing Practice Certification for RN’s, in order to maintain 24/7 services in Kaslo.


Lorne Burkart

Regional Chairperson,

West Kootenay Region,

British Columbia Nurses’ Union

Categories: HealthLetters


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