
No one injured in car fire Saturday

Trail Champion
By Trail Champion
July 15th, 2019

A vehicle fire Saturday morning was not suspicious, according to RCMP Sgt. Mike Wicentowich.

“On July 13 at 10 a.m., (we) were dispatched to a vehicle on fire on Hwy 22 at the Birchbank Golf Course,” Wicetowich said, adding they were called by Kootenay Boundary Regional FIre Rescue (KBRFR). “When we arrived, a 2018 Jeep Compass with BC plates was fully engulfed in flames.”

He said the fire department rapiudly extinguished the blaze.

“The 46-year-old female dirver said she was just driving along and saw smoke coming from under the hood,” he said.

The woman pulled over and escaped the Jeep without injury.

Capatain Greg Ferraby, with KBRFR, said six firefighters (three from Trail and three from Genelle) were dispatched at 9:59 a.m., arrived on scene at 10:07 a.m. and had the fire out by 10:17 a.m.

No one was injured in conflagration, and the fire was contained to the vehicle.

Mechanical issues are though to be the cause.

Categories: General
