

Fox News, US talk radio should have to answer

America is at war with itself. And anyone who watches Fox News or listens to US radio talk shows should not be surprised that another gunman has taken aim at his own government, his own elected officials or his fellow citizens.   Being in the midst of what is going on, the American people have […]

ATAMANENKO: A year in review, part one

  The past year has been an eventful one. In January the Haiti earthquake hit. My staff and I worked for days with Foreign Affairs, a School District and Mt. Sentinel School of South Slocan to safely locate, press for transportation assistance, and rescue a class of high school students caught in Haiti. In February, […]

Castlegar trustee responds to criticisms

 Dear Editor,  This letter is in response to (a series of articles and commentary in local media, inlcuding a letter written by Roland Vogel). Mr. Vogel, as far as I am aware, appears to be the voice of people in the Glenmerry area. He is fairly representative of the views of Trail concerning Trail’s place […]

Harper’s pipeline nightmare

What kind of year in politics is 2011 going to be? Very likely another year (or at least ten months) of gridlock at the federal level, with no sign of any so-called game changer on the horizon.   A spring election is looking less likely as the Conservatives try to make a deal with the […]

OP/ED: Atamanenko reviews 2010

PART II: This past year, my staff and I had the privilege of assisting constituents faced with federal bureaucratic problems – unfair treatment, misinterpretations or just plain despair at not seeing any hope in their particular plight.  For the most part, I find the federal public service is exceptionally professional, knowledgeable and helpful, and should not be […]

Drunken antics underline serious message

What a way to spend a morning! (See Cops get radio hosts drunk …for a cause story by clicking here). First, I want to say thanks to the Mountain FM team for allowing me to sit in on their unorthodox “social experiment”.   I’ll confess that, as I drove down to the radio station this […]

Shed a little light on me

Introducing a new column for The Nelson Daily: Greening Up – What can I do? Michael Jessen has been following energy issues since the 1973 oil crisis. He has authored more than 700 newspaper and online articles about sustainable lifestyles, waste reduction, and climate change. Currently, Jessen is an efficiency and renewable energy advisor and operates […]

SHE SAID: Internet Anonymity - In Defense of Internet Anonymity

The day after the Rekindle the Spirit of Christmas event on Dec. 4, a person calling him/herself Dirty Hippo posted a long, strongly-worded message on Bhubble criticizing the Charlie Brownness of the Christmas tree in the town square. I wouldn’t refer to it as a tirade, just a firmly-stated, humourously-toned, panning of the organizers’ choice […]

Postscript on the new McCarthyism

 A year ago I wrote a column reflecting on the activities of the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism (CPCCA), the Canadian branch of the Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism. The latter is an international pro-Zionist group whose sole task is to redefine anti-Semitism to mean virtually any criticism of Israel. It developed at the behest of […]

ATAMANENKO: The state of democracy in Canada

One of the hallmarks of a democratic state is its commitment to free, public and political expression. Indeed, no society can call itself truly democratic if it does not guarantee its citizens the inalienable rights to gather, communicate their opinion and demonstrate their support for or against any political position they wish. If these assertions […]