

BC Liberals inked 'hidden toll' into Sea-to-Sky deal--and we'll all be paying for the next 25 years

For years, I have often wondered why, in such  ’tough economic times’, the very expensive  Sea to Sky highway was not tolled. I’ve called for it, many of you have called for it, and last year,  even Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson called for it as an avenue for revenue to solve Translinks money woes.   What […]

Atamanenko: CRTC

New Democrats are asking tough questions about foreign ownership in light of the revelation that the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has no research on the impact of foreign ownership in Canada’s broadcast and telecom industries. Speaking to the issue in late July, New Democrat Culture Critic Charlie Angus said the Harper government’s decision […]

The Potash contradiction: Cracks in neo-liberal ideology?

 I have argued that ideology makes you stupid and if you have power it makes you dangerous. One of the best examples is the idiocy of more and more tax cuts with the supposed goal of making Canadian business internationally “competitive.” First, tax rates regularly come about sixth or seventh down the list of factors that […]

Improved criminal records checks will not lead to better outcomes for children in care

The BC Ministry of Children and Family Development has announced that it will require more frequent criminal records checks for foster parents and caregivers of children in care – every three years instead of every five. The ministry will have access to databases from police, the courts and corrections. “BC’s programs for children at risk […]

The Green Party...of small business?

 When asked recently what she thought of Jack Layton’s proposal to increase the payout of the Canada Pension Plan (by gradually increasing premiums paid by workers and employers) Elizabeth May, the leader of the Green Party replied:“I’m not sure why Jack would propose that. I think that’s a very poor idea. It would constitute...

Reckless and ruinous: Harper's economics

What are the key issues that progressives need to be fighting to rid the country of Stephen Harper's wrecking crew? One is the tar sands and the Enbridge pipeline, which would see giant oil tankers plying the waters off the B.C. coast. Another key issue is the Harper government's oft-announced plan to begin its so-called...

MP says Tory "antics" preventing important work

 New Democrat Agriculture Critic, Alex Atamanenko (BC Southern Interior) is fed up with the partisan antics that Conservative Members of Parliament are using to obstruct the work of the Standing Committee on Agriculture. According to Atamanenko, all they had to do at last week’s meeting was vote on a motion to request a 30-day extension to complete […]

Some locals bear-ly aware ... but fines will get their attention

 Wow – newsflash – the City of Castlegar is actually considering enforcing its own bylaws. Stop the presses, she says sardonically.   That shouldn’t be news at all, if you ask me … it should just be a given ….but the sad part is, I guarantee a hue and cry when residents start having to […]

Fox News North – Not! Savour the victory

It’s quite a come down. From in-your-face arrogance to a total retreat in a matter of a few months, the big money behind Quebecor’s determination to set up a Fox news North is now looking pretty humble.There’s no doubt that part of this is overreach on the part of Pierre Karl Peladeau and his junkyard-dog front man Kory...

Leaders, parties and businesses that ignore Blogosphere do so at their peril

Almost hate to admit it, but I am old enough to remember the advent of television in Canada. In Montreal, in the early 1950s, it all began with two television stations: CBMT (English) and CBFT (French), and we would watch, mesmerized by anything they broadcast',even the Indian head test patterns, with their various very...