
Bombi fire quickly extinguished

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
July 10th, 2017

A vehicular fire up the Bombi, which frightened many residents, was quickly extinguished by the Volunteer Ootischenia Fire Department.

OFD Chief George Hamm said the car was fully involved upon arrival of fire crews, with, `fire rolling down the hill because of the oil leak,`and a section of forest about 10 feet by 8 feet also in flame.

He said the fire was the result of a mechanical misfunction, and no foul play is suspected.

Crews had the blaze completely knocked down by roughly 3:30 p.m.

Hamm credits the postive result to a duo of truckers who were already shovelling sand onto the conflagration when crews arrived.

The Source would very much like to know the names of the truckers involved. Thank you.

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