
Teck fertilizer plant shuts down after spill

By Contributor
February 26th, 2019

On Tuesday February 26, 2019, a low pH incident occurred at an outfall at Teck Trail Operations. Regulatory authorities including Emergency Management BC, the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, and Environment and Climate Change Canada were immediately notified. An investigation was started immediately following the incident to determine the cause, and initial actions have been taken to prevent a reoccurrence.

Based on an initial assessment, the release does not create any health or safety risk to people, fish or wildlife other than potential short-term impacts on the aquatic life immediately at the outfall point. There is not expected to be any long-term impact on fish or the environment given the duration of the incident and the nature of the discharge. A third-party independent environmental impact assessment will be undertaken.

The fertilizer plant has been temporarily shut down.

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