


spack·le    [spak-uhl]  Sh (initial capital letter) Trademark . a brand of quick-drying, plasterlike material used to fill holes, small cracks and other minor surface defects Some of the digital tools available today seem to help us overlook dire problems in order to expedite trivial tasks. The series of Windows Cloud commercials are prime time offenders. The ad with the exasperated mother desperately trying to air brush […]

H.O. Blasts Lack of BC Rail Answers

There are lots of questions remaining about the BC Rail scandal…. the biggest being ‘why did the Liberal government pick up the $6M defence lawyers’ tab for two convicted criminals?’.   This week I had a chance to keep that question–and story-alive, by appearing on broadcaster Stirling Faux on-line business show This Week in Money.  Here’s […]

Harper off to a shaky start

 The election campaign is less than week old and Stephen Harper seems to be demonstrating that he is even more of a mad hatter than people thought. Despite his superman view of himself – the smartest man in the universe not just in the room – he has looked very shaky and is proving that […]

Real change? Madam Premier, the paramedics are waiting

Apppointed (not elected) Premier Christy Clark promised “change”. And as part of her honeymoon period in the public eye, the media has treaded rather softly in scrutinizing her early days in office. She announced a raise in the minimum wage to be staged over time, but nevertheless welcomed by most British Columbians. Many were embarrassed by this […]

OP/ED: Why Canada attacked Libya

Would Stephen Harper attack Libya simply to justify spending tens of billions of dollars on F-35 fighter jets? Perhaps. But, add on doing it for major Canadian investors, reinforcing his “principled” foreign policy rhetoric and reasserting western control over a region in flux, and you pretty much have the range of reasons why a half […]

ELECTRIC GRAPEVINE: Searching for a Man's Man

What really is a “man’s man,” and why does it sound so homoerotic when it’s supposed to mean the inverse?   I have thought about this over the years as I postulate what might have been if I’d picked up a hammer and not a camera or learned a trade and not an art. The […]

I'm voting for 'none of the above'

So what do we do now? We’re about to have an election almost no one wants; that likely won’t change the political balance of power; and, despite the rhetoric, probably won’t actually result in substantial policy changes.  And for this non-altering experience taxpayers will shell out $300 million! Sigh… I am not a dedicated partisan. Over my life, I have voted for all […]

EXTRA, EXTRA: Kootenay businesses marry small carbon footprints with big savings

This week, we here at Lone Sheep Publishing are proud to announce the launching of our new Green Flyers concept. In cooperation with several forward-thinking and environmentally-conscious local businesses, we’re now offering our readers access to local merchants’ weekly online flyers. How does it work? Glad you asked. When, as a subscriber, you receive your […]

Layton pulls the plug on Harper government

The drama is over and Jack Layton and the NDP clearly did the right thing, very quickly rejecting the Conservatives’ budget and pledging to vote against it “in its current form.” That held out the possibility of voting in favour of an amended budget which Finance Minister Flaherty quickly scotched with a Bush-like – you […]

WI-FI: Updated regulations are needed

Technology is ever changing at a speed we can barely keep up with.  For most of us, the idea of a stationary office no longer exists; it now travels with us in the form of a blackberry and the norm in communication has become a device you carry on your hip.  We stay connected, but […]